Anxiety is a normal psychological reaction that results in increased fear, alertness, and physical signs like rapid heart rate. Simply put, it is the body’s natural reaction to stress.
However, it can become a medical disorder if an individual constantly becomes anxious.
Anxiety can become severe and can take on many different forms like health anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, generalized anxiety, and certain phobias just to mention a few.
If you have been experiencing anxiety on a regular basis, do not feel afraid or embarrassed to ask for help and try CBD gummies to help you to manage your anxiety.
That being said, we have listed a few tips that may help you on your journey to cope with anxiety.
Question Your Thoughts
Your mind can easily play tricks in your when you are anxious and as a result, can’t think straight.
An example is an unexpected email from your employer. This might lead you to think that you made a mistake, which may not necessarily be the case.
Another example is your friend or partner failing to reply to a text, making you think there is something. Before accepting such thoughts, which will fuel your anxiety, ask yourself whether that it’s a fact or an opinion.
If it is the latter, then you might be getting anxious for no reason.
Take Deep Breaths
When a person gets anxious, the body activates the ‘fight or flight response. This process is the body’s way of protecting itself in a threatening situation.
It entails an array of changes in the body, more specifically an increase in heart rate and the release of adrenaline.
This process is designed to help you get temporarily stronger to fight or move faster. The fight or flight response is great when you are under attack, but not particularly helpful when you are headed to the store, for instance.
To gain a more natural equilibrium, it’s advisable to take a moment and take deep breaths. This will help the body calm down and relax in just a few minutes.
One of the best ways to do this is imagining you’re blowing up a balloon of your favorite color. Simply take a deep breath to the maximum capacity of your lungs, wait for a few seconds and then let a long, slow, breath out. Doing this a couple of times should help take you out of the anxious state.
Do Not Become a Victim of the Avoidance Trap
Anxiety is one of the most uncomfortable feelings people get and it leads them to avoid things or situations that make them afraid in an attempt to prevent anxiety.
An example is avoiding driving on the motorway because you fear being hit by a lorry or avoiding talking in front of a crowd due to social anxiety.
However, avoiding such situations does not help cure anxiety and your life can become harder as you struggle to avoid all the things and situations that make you anxious.
At the end of the day, you might find yourself avoiding more and more situations that did not even make you anxious in the first place because you went down a rabbit hole.
Since you are yet to deal with the triggers, the anxiety becomes even worse. As such, it is best to face your fears.
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