Have you ever:
- Felt so ashamed in a large crowd because of a large forehead?
- Felt embarrassed or have you ever been bullied because of it?
- Struggled with a receded hairline since time immemorial?
- Felt so insecure whenever you see seemingly perfect people whose facial structures are completely proportional?
A receded hairline is definitely harder if you are a woman since hair loss or thin hair is pretty much weird. Well, you are not alone; and another great news is that there is a solution!
A lot of people struggle with seemingly large foreheads due to receded hairlines, not just women. Several factors such as genetics, hereditary hair loss, past surgeries, among others contribute to this problem.
The normal or proportionate hairline is about five to 6.5 cm above the eyebrows. Unfortunately, not all people are born with this perfection. If your hairline starts higher, it leaves your face disproportionate. As a result, you will look older or even less attractive. Moreover, you will have a hard time styling your hair. This greatly affects people’s self-esteem. Even if you believe that no one is perfect, you cannot help but feel insecure at times. This is prominent in today’s millennial and social media culture.
Nonetheless, there is no need to worry. With today’s technology, there is a solution to almost every problem. Even your receded hairline can be addressed, thanks to hairline lowering surgery, which is also known as forehead reduction or scalp advancement surgery.
What is this all about and how does it help you look and feel good about yourself? Is it risky? Is it worth the associated costs? Let us find out as we move along with our discussion.
Table of Contents
Hairline Lowering Procedure
Hairline lowering surgery is an effective way to address large foreheads, as it repositions your hairline. The procedure naturalizes your hairline by up to two inches. There are several factors to consider when determining the amount or degree of adjustment. These include the current or natural position of your hairline, your personal preference, and scalp laxity, which your plastic surgeon evaluates.
This is a perfect solution for you if you do not have a family history of hair loss. Given this, women get it done more than men. Hair loss is not that much of a problem among women.
The hairline lowering surgery starts with the doctor marking your new hairline position. Then, he or she draws your new hairline shape according to your needs and/or preference. Once all set, about two to three cm of the skin around your hairline is incised. Finally, the remaining portion of your skin is clipped or sutured together.
Expect to have a minimal scar after the hairline lowering surgery. However, you do not have to be alarmed. Your hair will be able to cover this scar is it regrows. Another solution is hair transplantation or grafting.
Another way to hide the scar is by using hair styling accessories. Just be careful when wearing accessories around it, so as not to hurt it further. As your hair regrows, your new hairline blends accordingly. Eventually, it will look natural.
Who Can Get It Done?
If you have a large forehead, you can get a hairline lowering surgery done. If you have a receded hairline and want to undergo the procedure, make sure that the problem is not associated with hair loss. Those with acceptable scalp laxity are also perfect candidates. If you have excellent skin elasticity, you are likely to enjoy the best results.
The only condition is that you should have excellent overall well-being. Both your mental and physical health must be considered. General anesthesia is administered before the surgery to numb you from the pain, so it is important that you are in good shape. Generally, this is true for any procedure to make sure that there will be no complications.
You may not be fit to undergo the procedure if you have problems with abnormal scarring. The same is true for those who have difficulties when it comes to healing wounds.
Enter your text here…To find out if you are fit to undergo the surgery, consult your doctor first. Schedule an appointment so that he or she may conduct a medical assessment and hairline evaluation. At the same time, this will allow you to raise all of your concerns before coming up with a decision. He or she will also be able to help you consider all of your options.
Of course, it is still a surgical procedure, which means that it is not without risks. These may include the following:
- Bruising;
- Discomfort;
- Forehead numbness, which may last for a couple of months post-surgery;
- Hair thinning, which may last up to three months post-surgery;
- Hematoma, a condition in which blood forms under your scalp;
- Infection;
- Numbness;
- Scarring; and
- Swelling
Infection cannot be avoided when it comes to invasive procedures like hairline lowering surgery. However, most of these risks are manageable with the help of antibiotics and other prescription drugs.
Recovery Process
The recovery process just takes about a week to 10 days after the surgery. However, it still depends on your body and overall health.
Expect that there will be swelling along your cheeks, eyes, forehead, and scalp during the first few days. They should subside completely after a couple of weeks. Otherwise, consult your doctor.
The sutures can be removed after a week. Then, your hair should regrow over the incised area to cover the scar in three to six months after the procedure. The scar becomes less visible as time passes by. In just six to 12 months, you will barely notice it.
Make sure that you avoid traveling and exercising during the first two weeks post-surgery. In short, avoid any type of strenuous activity until your doctor gives you clear.
Your doctor will also provide instructions for post-surgical care. Make sure that you follow these instructions thoroughly to speed up the recovery process. More importantly, complying with post-surgical care is the best way to avoid complications.
How Is It Different From Hair Transplantation?
Another method to resolve a receded hairline is hair transplantation. It is a non-surgical procedure that could serve as an alternative for hairline lowering surgery. Also, it could be a supplementary procedure.
This involves the transplant of hair follicles to your hairline front, forming a new hairline shape. More importantly, it adds volume to your hair. The best thing about it is that it results in no scar, given its non-invasive nature.
With techniques such as follicular unit transfer (FUT) and/or extraction (FUE), your hair follicles are transferred from areas of great density to areas of thin hair, such as your hairline. It is the perfect solution for those with large foreheads but cannot have their hairlines lowered due to hereditary hair loss.
Hair transplantation also helps hide scars in the hairline area. Further, it is an effective way to correct absent or thin facial hair. It is more common among men since it allows them to correct the absence of beard and mustache.
Meanwhile, hairline lowering involves the transfer of greater hair since it aims to address a disproportionate facial structure.
To Wrap It Up… Can You Get Hairline Lowering!
There are still a lot of people who think that there is something wrong with cosmetic surgeries and procedures. However, for me, I believe that if it makes you feel good about yourself, there is really nothing wrong with that. If you are still having reservations for this reason alone, I suggest you drop it and just go for it, especially if you have the means. It is not all about giving in to the standards of our society today. It is simply all about self-care as we boost our self-esteem.
If you have a receded hairline making your forehead seem big and have been or felt embarrassed because of it, you might want to consider undergoing hairline lowering surgery. It is a quick procedure that leads to long-lasting results. As long as you are a great candidate for it and you have the means, there is no reason to think twice.
Yes, there are risks and side effects associated with it, but they are all manageable. You just need to make sure that you comply with the post-surgical care instructions that your doctor will provide. This will help speed up your recovery and prevent complications.
You may experience discomfort and pain, and even feel the hassle, but at the end of the day, it is worth it. With an improved and proportionate face, your self-esteem improves instantly. You no longer have to feel anxious in a crowd. Instead, you will feel comfortable and confident, especially when needed in certain social situations.
Do you know someone who has undergone the procedure? Have you? Are you planning to? What are your considerations and reservations? Let us know what you think! Also, do not forget to share this article. I hope I have helped you today!
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