If it’s your first time as a pet parent of a guinea pig, then you may not know that these adorable little creatures have a very sensitive tummy. So it only makes sense to do proper research before feeding them anything. So, in this article, the topic is can guinea pigs eat peas?
To be honest, it’s only natural to want to feed human food like fresh fruits and vegetables to your pet. Be it a guinea pig, hamster, cat, or dog! And this is where most pet owners make a huge mistake because animals aren’t like humans. Even though they can digest some of the stuff we humans eat, it doesn’t mean you should feed them everything.
So let’s talk PEAS, both frozen and fresh!
Table of Contents
Cab Guinea Pigs Eat Peas?
Yes, it is safe for guinea pigs to consume peas. In fact, fresh vegetables are a huge part of their daily diet. Simply because a guinea pig’s body, on its own, cannot produce nutrients like Vitamin C. And Vitamin C is a very important nutrient as it helps in preventing the formation of diseases. So you don’t have to think twice before making peas a part of their daily meals.
Foods that are packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K are highly recommended for cavies. Along with other essential minerals and nutrients of course. Just make sure the daily intake doesn’t exceed any limits.
It’s always a healthy idea to stick to moderation while also providing your guinea pig with an assortment of fresh vegetables. There’s spinach, corn, celery, hay, and pellets as well. These are some of the most common foods guinea pigs love. And that are also safe for them to eat.
When introducing any new food into your pet’s diet, it’s natural to be a little cautious. Keep a check on your guinea pig just to spot any strange or unusual behavior.
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Cab Guinea Pigs Eat Frozen Peas?
Fresh peas can be fed to guinea pigs, but the same cannot be said about the frozen version. It’s a horrible idea to feed any kind of frozen food to guinea pigs. Even canned peas are a bad and irresponsible decision.
Now, this doesn’t mean warming up frozen peas and then feeding them to your pet. It’s best if you feed fresh peas and fresh peas only. Just don’t forget to wash them before feeding.
Frozen peas are harmful in that guinea pigs find it very hard to chew them, even after you thaw the peas properly. As with canned peas, know that guinea pigs are herbivores by nature. And this means no cooked food works for them.
So the only option there is – feed fresh, raw peas to guinea pigs. On that note, here’s what you should completely avoid feeding your adorable little cavy.
More About Frozen Vegetables
Most veterinarians advise against giving frozen veggies or frozen anything to pets, including guinea pigs of course. And this only makes sense for the health of the animal. Because frozen foods, which are often store-bought, contain chemicals for longer preservation. And it’s only common sense to assume that these chemicals are not healthy for your pet.
Preservatives, even for humans, are a questionable ingredient. So for a creature that’s even less than half your size, these can prove to be extremely damaging.
Another reason why frozen peas or any other frozen vegetable/fruit is not recommended is that such items are cooked before freezing. And once cooked, the nutrients of the food are almost completely lost. This, in turn, doesn’t allow the delicate digestive system of a guinea pig to process the food properly.
So always stick to feeding fresh peas. You can place fresh vegetables in the freezer indeed. But don’t keep them in there for too long prior to feeding the guinea pig. Because even freezing destroys some of the healthy nutrients found in the vegetable when stored for a long time.
Top 3 Commonly Asked Questions
#1. How Much Peas to Feed Guinea Pigs?
Even though it’s safe for guinea pigs to eat peas, keep the consumption limited. And by limited, I mean 1-2 times a week. And every single serving should be just 1-2 pea pods.
Yes, it does indeed seem like such a small amount. But remember that your guinea pig does not have a tummy like humans. They’re small creatures with an extremely sensitive digestive system. Better not do anything to cause potential problems, right?
Moderate consumption is necessary also because peas contain a certain level of sugar, along with acidity, calcium, and phosphorus. So you don’t want to feed too much of that either.
#2. Why Isn’t My Guinea Pig Eating Peas?
Do you eat every food that your fellow humans do? Just the same way, guinea pigs also have preferences. Some of them are very fond of peas while the others don’t like them at all. This is natural, so you should just let it be.
After all, a guinea pig and his/her digestion are a lot more complicated than you think. And so is their unique tastes and personalities.
#3. What Is A Regular Diet Of A Guinea Pig?
What’s essential is hay and fresh water available at all times. The former offers plenty of health benefits in the case of guinea pigs. As for fresh water, it’s simply necessary for life.
Even pellets are a very common part of the daily diet, much like fresh fruits and vegetables. However, all 3 have to be feed in moderation. While pellets are safe to feed every day, the consumption of veggies and fruits is to be controlled. Add different variations to your pet’s daily diet. This way, he/she is less likely to get bored with the food.
A healthy, well-balanced diet is one that’s infused with all essential minerals and vitamins. Fresh vegetables and fruits are simply add-ons i.e. supplements. So you shouldn’t replace your guinea pig’s actual meals with them.
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Can guinea pigs eat peas? Yes, they can. But not more than 1-2 times per week, and not more than 1-2 pea pods per serving.
Peas, after all, contain Vitamin C, which is crucial because guinea pigs are not able to store or synthesize Vitamin C on their own. And that means dietary supplementation is important. But feeding in moderation is also necessary, as is the case with all fresh vegetables and even fruits.
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