Can dogs eat squid? Or can dogs eat calamari? Does this seafood agree with the sensitive tummy of canines? Or does it cause side effects and harm? Many dog owners feed only meat and bones. And that’s common because not everybody knows that our furry friends enjoy a little bit of seafood too. After all, they are omnivorous, with a stomach that has certainly evolved.
But let’s not forget that dogs still have an extremely delicate digestive system. This means being extra careful about introducing new foods. And no matter what, it’s best to keep them away from foods proven to wreak havoc on their health and well-being.
As for squids, let’s find out if your pet can savor every bit of squids as much as you do…
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Can Dogs Eat Squid?
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Squids, as a matter of fact, are safe to consume by dogs. BUT, this is very important, there’s no need to over-feed squids to dogs. It’s highly recommended by medical professionals to keep the consumption to a minimum. And that’s simply because squids have high cholesterol. So it’s logical to keep a check on the intake, right?
Having high levels of cholesterol, however, doesn’t mean a higher number of calories too. Squids contain iron, calcium, and zinc as well. But then these nutrients are not found in abundance, as in the case of let’s say healthier options like chickpeas or mussels.
Nevertheless, dogs can indeed enjoy a teeny-tiny serving of squids once in a while.
Obviously, you cannot and should not feed raw squids to dogs. Get rid of the skin. And also the needle present inside the squid, which is actually the spine of the creature. At the same time, the mouth is also not an edible part of the squid. It’s very much like the hard beak of a parrot.
Mentioned already is the fact that squids are loaded with cholesterol. So it’s only in the best interest of your precious pet to not consume them in the fried form. Instead, feed stewed, boiled, or grilled squids to dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Squids – What Good Are They for Health?
Can dogs eat squid? Well, why should you even consider feeding squids in the first place? Obviously, this should be done with constraint. Meaning feeding in limited quantities, and that too only occasionally. And now here’s the why part of the answer…
#1. Squids = High Protein
With a large amount of protein intake daily, your diet is sure to balance itself. Even in the case of canines? Yes, even with dogs. With a properly balanced diet, well-balanced growth and development also occur. So that means squids are a healthy choice because they’re packed with protein.
Did you know that protein is also an excellent source of food for building muscles? They boost hormone, enzyme, and chemical production. And these are especially essential for puppies during their growth stage.
#2. Squids = Low Fat and Low Calories
If you want to keep your furry companion healthy, which should be priority number one at all times, then incorporate low-fat, low-cal foods into his/her diet. As a result of which, the chances of obesity reduce drastically.
So feeding a small serving of squids once in a while is not such a bad thing. On the contrary, it keeps cholesterol and unhealthy fats away. So you’re passively preventing the formation of medical conditions. But that’s only if you’re not feeding fried or battered squids. And this is applicable even for us humans.
FACT – 100 grams of squids offer only 1.4 grams of total calories.
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#3. Squids = High Vitamins
So the vitamins present in squids include Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B2. B3 is for stabilizing sugar levels. B12 protects the heart from possible conditions that affect its functioning and well-being. And B2, also known as riboflavin, also promotes the healthy functioning of the heart.
#4. Squids = High Zinc and Copper
If squids could talk, they’d be boasting of their high levels of zinc. But what does zinc do really? It fends off organisms responsible for causing damage to the body. That means zinc keeps the immune system strong. And this, in turn, minimizes the likelihood of your dog falling sick and developing diseases.
And one more thing – zinc itself contains huge amounts of copper. What copper does is encourage RBC (red blood cells) production. Then copper, in turn, produces and stores iron. And iron also contributes a great deal to the formation of red blood cells.
Most Important Concerns When Feeding Squids to Dogs
Please don’t underestimate your dog’s hugely sensitive digestive system. Any new food has to be first tested. And you can do that by feeding a very, very small amount at first. If the tummy is not agreeing with the new variety of food, then it’s best to keep that away.
Also, the delicate stomach takes a while in order to get used to something new. But signs like vomiting, diarrhea, unusual behavior, etc. are not normal. So contact your vet immediately.
One more thing that demands attention is the fact that seafood these days has a lot of toxicity. In the form of dangerous or harmful substances of course. The worst of the lot, no doubt, is mercury.
And that is why even humans, along with pets like dogs and cats, should limit the consumption of seafood. Keep it minimum and not very frequent, despite the low calories and low fat.
What about calamari? Can dogs eat calamari (the culinary name for squids)? Absolutely NOT!
Calamari is fried squid, which is definitely not healthy for dogs. Because of the presence of saturated fats as well as salt. And both of these have nothing but a negative effect on dogs. Sometimes it gets so serious that it can lead to serious heart diseases as well.
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So That’s About Can Dogs Eat Squid !!!
Surely a tasty treat and also loaded with vitamins and protein, squids have received the green signal. But then keep in mind that you are feeding a dog. Carelessness on your part, as a pet parent, affects the well-being of your precious pet. So always talk to your vet before you decide to introduce anything new into your furry friend’s life.
But then there’s no debating that squids are safe for dogs to eat. Just keep the consumption minimum and less frequent.
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